Issue 1: Connectivity
June, 2020
Cover Artist: Tony Pickering
The theme of this Issue is Connectivity, and it is an inescapable fact that we are currently part of a global society that is struggling to connect. Struggling to connect with our loved ones via the various social distancing measures that are implemented by our governments. Struggling to connect with those same governments as they not only turn a blind eye to racial prejudice, but in many cases actively fan the flames of hate and bigotry. Struggling to connect with a society in which segregation, inequality, and injustice permeate through every stratum of society. We don’t profess that the poems that are gathered here have all, or even any, of the answers to mending these connections, but we hope that in reading them they cause you to think about some of the strained connections that exist in your own lives, and what needs to be done in order to start to repair them…
Editor’s Picks
In the absence of cures by Abigail Flint
Mapping by Josh Mcloughlin
Mg: A Biography by Gregory Leadbetter
Shadowlands by Linsey Andrews
somnambulism by Jared Mulhair
Head Pressure by JN Nucifera
In the absence of cures by Abigail Flint
Lepton by Philip Berry
Mapping by Josh Mcloughlin
Mg: A Biography by Gregory Leadbetter
Photonics by Rachel Rayner
Sea of Seeds by Alba V Suárez García
Shadowlands by Linsey Andrews
shared roots by Rebecca Hooper
somnambulism by Jared Mulhair
Test Drive with a Bio-Hacker by Julian Bishop
The Capacity of Greed by Teena Carroll
The Cell Factory by Dayana Hristova
The Cloud by Michael J Leach
The Future of Work by Matt Dye
The Physics of Dance by Mo O’Hara
The Visitor by Amber Hafeez
Under a Cloud by Martin Zarrop
Vinblastine by Stephen Wren
Copyright statement. This work is published under the CC BY-NC-SA license, unless stated otherwise.