
Stephen Wren

I’m found in the leaves of 
Madagascar periwinkle
The biosynthesis
factory place surrounding me

adopts the name ‘bright eyes

My name is Vinblastine
Interrupting cell division,
to retard lymphoma,
is my practical devotee  

Others that I despise 

include bladder cancer, 
disorders of the brain and lung
Enzymes help to produce 
my molecular parents, see! 

They fuss and synthesise

Tabersonine terpene,
and a fine indole alkaloid
are my proud precursors
their clever connections are free 

Joining up is their prize

I am their drug output
My chemotherapy purpose
Is worth shouting about
My actions speak to the needy 

Let your healthy cells rise!

The Science

Part of my day job involves research into natural products and medicinal chemistry. Vinblastine is a compound used in cancer chemotherapy and is produced in the Madagascar periwinkle. Here, in the poem, I wanted to describe how the substance is synthesised in this natural environment.

The Poet

I was educated at the University of Cambridge (PhD in Organic Chemistry, Corpus Christi College) and worked as a medicinal chemist in the pharmaceutical industry for many years. I am a published poet and transitioned back into academia at Oxford University before joining Kingston University London in September 2018. The interface of science and poetry is a huge passion of mine.

Next poem: Head Pressure by JN Nucifera