Issue 14: Structure
September, 2023
Cover Artist: Danielle Rose
Structure is all around us–both natural and human-made. From the spiral arms of galaxies to the fractal patterns in a fern, the natural world is filled with structures that both inspire and intrigue. Human-made structures also permeate our lives, from the architecture of our homes to the infrastructure of our cities…
Editor’s Picks
Look closer, green goes to purple by Edith Oaken
Mushroom is a synecdoche by Corrado Nai
One Hundred One Thousand Meters by Iris van Zelst
The First Light by Lynn Rosa André
A Dance of Darwinian Proportions by Meg Muthupandiyan
Cognition of Loss by Jessamyn Fairfield
Dance Number by Fiona Theokritoff
Electrons to Images by D'Arcy Little
Entropy by Don Herzberg
Entropy (Or infidelity) by Neil Philip Young
Future Perfect by Manash Bagchi
George de Hevesy to a Flask of Chloroauric Acid by Daniel Galef
Gifts of Disorder by Joan Waltermire
Left by Cristabelle Garcia
Length and Breadth of Quietness by Vijaya Gopal
Look closer, green goes to purple by Edith Oaken
loop theory by Adrien Kade Sdao
Mushroom is a synecdoche by Corrado Nai
One Hundred One Thousand Meters by Iris van Zelst
Surface (ab)normal by Megan Brown
The First Light by Lynn Rosa André
The scientist and the poet by Emilie Lygren
Trio: Formulae by Martin Markus
With Statistical Means, She Writes by Lawrence Mark Lesser
Art Pieces with ConciliARTe
A Fault Zone of Mars by Danielle Rose
An Orchid and its X-ray by D'Arcy Little
Fibonacci by D.C. Nobes
Fossil Relics by Rúna Magnússon
Network structure by Andrea Diaz
The Neurological Head by Chloe Marschner
Ripley: Infrastructure Resilience by Jessica Holmes
Copyright statement. This work is published under the CC BY-NC-SA license, unless stated otherwise.