
Mandy Abel-Zurstadt

Mandy (she/they) is a graduate student at Central Washington University where she studies Geological Sciences in relation to soil carbon sequestration. They long for positive climatic change driven by a diverse global population and believe that science communication through both traditional and artistic venues is the best way to get there. You can follow them on Twitter/X @mycorrhizalmaz.


Leslie Almberg

Leslie is an Earth science educator with a PhD in volcanology. She works with the Australian Earth & Environmental Science Olympiad and national teacher training programs. Leslie’s poetry weaves together science, spirituality, mental health, and neurodiversity. When not juggling two exuberant girls, she’s reading, singing, dancing or walking in the woods. Her poetic explorations are on Twitter/X @AspienBlue and Medium @Aspen_Blue

Kayla-Jane Barrie

Kayla-Jane (KJ) is an experimental poet and abstract artist that fuses themes of the environment and humanities into her creative work. From Ontario, Canada, she hosts online and in-person writing workshops that support others in finding their creative voice while looking at the micro and macro elements of the universe. Visit her Instagram @kjabstractexpressions and website

Samantha Carr

Samantha (she/her) is a PhD Creative Writing candidate at the University of Plymouth where she is also a doctoral teaching assistant. She previously worked as an adult nurse and in the medicolegal industry. Her poetry explores chronic illness embodiment and her poetry has been published in Arc, Acumen, Corporeal, The Muse and Third Estate Art. She can be found on the website formerly known as Twitter as @sam_c4rr.

Mohsen Dolatabadi

Mohsen Dolatabadi holds Masters degrees progressing from the concrete micro world of analytical chemistry to the abstract macro world of cognitive psychology. Multilingual in Persian, English, and German, he has experience consulting, teaching, and philosophical analysis. Struggling with hyperhidrosis early in life, he was motivated to overcome this invisible barrier by pursuing advanced degrees in more abstract fields better suited to his condition, becoming an enhanced thinker across micro and macro domains. Through poetry and lyrics in Persian and now English, he expresses his somewhat diverse knowledge and interests.

Kirsty Ferguson

Kirsty is a postdoctoral research scientist at the University of Cambridge, UK, where she works on finding kinder treatments for a paediatric cancer called neuroblastoma. Outside of the lab Kirsty is an aspiring poet and believes observation is an essential process to both her science and poetry. Her poetry was first published at the Cambridge Festival 2023. She also writes poetry and designs wellbeing resources for the mental health charity, Cameron Grant Memorial Trust. You can connect with Kirsty on Twitter/X @KirstyMFerguson

Bruno Fitte

Bruno Fitte is a biologist, musician and poet from Argentina. He did a PhD in Natural Sciences in Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Nowadays he is working in a project of science communication in Salvador, Brazil. He wrote a book where poetry and science merge, called “Juglares en el Apeirógono”, and record two albums. He loves tangerines and clouds. You can visit instagram (@bruno.fitte),  Youtube, and Facebook


Abigail Flint

Abbi is a heritage researcher with a PhD in Archaeology. She is fascinated by relationships between humans, their environments, and other-than-human animals. Her poetry has been published in a few magazines (including Consilience) and she is currently exploring research poetry. You can find her on Twitter/X: @Constantunusual for poetry, @DrAFlint for academic work.

Siân Harris

Siân (also known as Geo) is a BSc Geology graduate. With their degree complete, they are now looking to do a masters in science communication and pursue a career within the communications or education sector. Poetry is a means of escape and a way for them to appreciate the beauty that lies within the world. They also have a keen interest in aviation, palaeontology and photography. You can connect with them on Instagram-@geosage99 or @geosage_photography- or visit their website.


Doryn Herbst

Originally from Surrey, UK, Doryn now lives in Germany where she is a deputy councillor on the local council. Doryn has a BSc in Biochemistry and an MSc in Freshwater Biology. Before moving to Germany, she worked for the National Rivers Authority, Cardiff (now Natural Resources Wales). Doryn is interested in the communication of science through art and as a young mother, Doryn led an environmental group for primary school children. Connect on Twitter/X @DorynHerbst.


Andrew Holmes

Andrew is a research developer and former academic with a background in animal welfare and conservation. He runs The Sciku Project, sharing and exploring science through haiku (science haiku = sciku). When not writing sciku he writes about board games for Meeple Mountain and entertains his kids. You can connect with him on Twitter/X @AndrewMHolmes and @thescikuproject.

Anna Joyce

Anna (she/her) is an academic in psychology at Regent’s University London, and an insomnia therapist. Her research focuses on the importance of sleep for cognition and mental health. Outside of work she enjoys poetry, playing piano, crafts, and yoga. She lives in South London with her husband, two children, and a little black cat. You can find her on Twitter/X, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn @DrAnnaJoyce and her website 


Shaylee Kieffer

Shaylee is a Biochemistry PhD student at National University of Ireland, Galway, where she conducts research into the DNA damage response, a pathway involved in cancer oncogenesis. She is intrigued by the connection between science and poetry, and uses writing as a daily reprieve from the lab. You can connect with her on Twitter/X @ShayleeKieffer and on Instagram @shayrose_poetry.

Elisabeth Kugler

Elisabeth Kugler is a biomedical image analyst and visual science artist. She is the director of Zeeks - Art for Geeks Ltd, who transform data by analysis, visualization, and communication. Her science art encompasses microscopy science art and mixed media visual illustration. Connect with Elisabeth on Twitter/X (@KuglerElisabeth) or LinkedIn or visit the Zeeks webpage.

Hannu Larsson

Hannu Larsson (he/him) is a researcher and teacher at Örebro University, Sweden. He holds a Ph.D in information systems and has an interest in public sector digitalization, digital inclusion and sustainability. He is also the host of a Swedish podcast on sustainability in higher education. Outside of research and teaching he enjoys spending time in the woods and can often be seen with a pen or pencil in hand.

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Angie Lo

Angie Lo completed a Bachelor’s at the University of Toronto, double majoring in Physiology and English; she is now pursuing a Master’s in Science Communication at Imperial College London. She is an avid writer and reader of poems, and especially likes poetry about faith, science, nature, and any combination of the above. Aside from poetry, she loves communicating science via web articles and groan-worthy biology puns.

Mirjam Mahler

Mirjam holds a B.A. in Business Economics as well as an MBA and manages a German non-profit organisation for persons with a brachial plexus injury. Mirjam writes poems and stories. Her poems have been published in numerous anthologies and journals, and she published two collections Cold Water Poems and Warm Water Poems in 2024.  Mirjam is the co-editor of Facing Goodbye – a poetry anthology for The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press. Find her on Instagram @mirjamwrites and and Substack


Claire Murray

Claire is an Irish chemist who spends her days obsessing over the shapes of molecules at Diamond Light Source. She believes in the beauty and the power of words to connect people, particularly in science where language is often used as a barrier rather than an invitation to engage. She can be found on Twitter/X @drclairemurray.

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Pokhee Saharia

Pokhee (she/her) is an undergraduate student pursuing a major in Physics and (hopefully) a minor in Science Education at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali. Eager to pursue a research career in high energy physics, she is equally passionate about literature, poetry and all things involving writing. Also trained in Indian classical dance forms; you can find her writing amateurish poetry on her instagram @pokhees, or connect with her on Twitter/X @pokhees_ 

Laura Webb

Laura is a poet and junior doctor in Brighton, and previously studied History and Philosophy of Science at UCL. She encourages patients and colleagues to use creative arts to process difficult experiences. Past projects include a lockdown haiku diary and a verse play celebrating carers. Her writing encompasses narratives of illness and healing, as well as local history and ecology.

Marjorie Wonham

Marjorie (she/they) is a biology professor and poetry-afficionado at Quest University Canada. She developed and teaches an interdisciplinary Biology-Poetry class in which students read, analyze, write, and perform science-infused poems. You can find her on LinkedIn and ORCiD, and in the springtime at Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre on Vancouver Island.

Want to join the
Consilience team?

We’d love to hear from anyone with an interest in joining the editorial or review team – all we ask is that you have some experience as an editor or of writing/publishing poetry.

We are also currently looking for someone with marketing or website development experience, as well as a passion for science and poetry, to join our team. If this sounds like you then please contact us at