
Ella Nichols, Jhet Bowen, and Noah Hadwen

Artwork part of ‘Change’ (Issue 20)

The left hand side of this digital artwork is a whited-out land map whose outline leads into a neutrally coloured collage. The collage, to the right, shows evergreen trees, mountains, water, and a human silhouette with thought bubbles to the places.

The Science

'Home' illustrates three different provinces within British Columbia: Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba. The Interior Plains of Saskatchewan is characterized by vast, flat, gently rolling landscapes that were once covered by Paleozoic and Mesozoic seas. Alberta boasts the Athabasca Sand Dunes, a unique geographical feature that is illustrated in the image. The dunes formed from glacial meltwaters at the end of the last Ice Age. Manitoba has the Canadian Shield, a geological feature characterized by exposed bedrock, rugged terrain, and numerous lakes and rivers. Some of the oldest rock on the Earth is found here, dating back over 2.5 billion years.

The Medium

The artwork was created digitally using an iPad and Apple Pencil. It was a collaborative effort: Ella provided the initial idea and rough sketch, Noah handled most of the final work, and Jhet contributed throughout all stages of the composition.

Artist Bio

Ella Nichols (BBA student), Noah Hadwen (Engineering Student), and Jhet Bowen (Education Student) currently reside in Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada, where they are studying at theCollege of the Rockies. In their free time, they play college volleyball for the College of the Rockies, bake, ski, and love the outdoors.

Copyright statement. This work is published under the CC BY-NC-SA license



