the way to a man's mind

is his gut

Ewemiz Insigne

Artwork part of ‘Consciousness’ (Issue 18)


Last semester, the artist took a class on 'The Philosophy of Mind and Machine' that delved into philosophical ideas of consciousness through the context of artificial intelligence [AI]. Their final paper asked what it might mean for AI to be conscious, particularly through the lens of the gut-microbiota-brain axis. This entailed researching how gut microbiota can affect us; from how food can affect our health to microbial differences compared to those with neurological conditions. If a human's microbiome is an extension of themself—or perhaps, is themself—then could an artificial being ever be a conscious self?

Further reading:  Out of our skull, in our skin: the Microbiota‑Gut‑Brain axis and the Extended Cognition Thesis


This art piece was fully illustrated in Procreate using digital painting techniques. The artist took inspiration from the science fiction aesthetic and abandoned laboratory concepts across different media. The human figure is modelled after herself as a form of self-validation and love, contrasting the bleakness of broken laboratory equipment with the vibrancy of life: be it the preserved human, the plants, or the neurons and gut microbacteria.


Miz Insigne is an international student from the Philippines studying in Colby College, Maine, USA. They are majoring in Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Mathematical Sciences. Miz is particularly interested in Artificial Intelligence and its place in society—and particularly its implications in the Global South. Outside of her academic work, Miz likes to read books and fanfiction, nerd out about polyhedral dice, and create illustrations that communicate science to the wider public. Their art can be found on their art pages on Instagram (@miz_draws) and Facebook (/mizdraws).


Copyright statement. This work is published under the CC BY-NC-SA license


Diversity and Inclusion


Painful Reality