
Chloe Trotter

Artwork part of ‘Measurement’ Issue 10

The Science

To design this art piece I looked into the definition of measurement. There are a few different variations that can be simplified to ‘comparing an unknown with a known’. When measuring the length of a line you could use a ruler, you could line up coins side by side and count the amount of them it takes to cover the line.

The Artist

Chloe Trotter is an English scientist, writer and artist. She loves to write stories, comics and poetry and has a strong belief in using as many methods to communicate science as possible. Currently her work can be read/seen at BotanyOne and on Instagram/Twitter @ABCs_of_science.

Copyright statement. This work is published under the CC BY-NC-SA license


God is a concept by which we measure our pain


All That Glitters, Weavings of a Weaver Bird